We have opinions on Activision, Disney and Nintendo. Come hear them, won’t you?
26:49 – Lack of industry standards? Nah, we think Activision was just too lazy to put subtitles in Spyro’s new pre-rendered cut-scenes
40:30 – The new Lion King looks like the old Lion King
49:37 – Why did Nintendo publish a video explaining how to prepare your Switch for trade-in or sale?
If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube or to your left. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes or download them from our good friends at KNGI.
Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night right here on RandomTower!
Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.
Chat Transcript:
6:51 PME. Zachary KnightHello Everyone
7:00 PMotritzuEvenin’ guys.
7:00 PMotritzuSo far as I know it is Skull- tu- la.
7:01 PMaddictedtochaosHello
7:02 PMotritzuThe fifty token wallet is the five hundred rupee one.
7:02 PMotritzuIt’s something you find before you reach the Shadow Temple.
7:03 PMeathdemongoogle translate app andrew
7:05 PMeathdemonarent you qa?
7:06 PMeathdemonor you support
7:07 PMeathdemonlets be fair andrew, its a time/pce thing itsnt it from the 40s
7:09 PMeathdemonyour apply modern standerds to a move from a 1941 oforce its not gunna hold up
7:10 PMeathdemonit would be complaining oot controls are awful (they are by modern standerds) at the time amazing
7:11 PMjordan thompsonalright ill say it… I was bored with saving private ryan by the end of it, please end me softly
7:14 PMjordan thompsonI have some of the universal monster movies on blu ray 1080p but I feel the box just says that
7:14 PMeathdemonlol andrew
7:15 PMeathdemonI watched the lego movie since wb put the full thing oin youtube for free for a day
7:16 PMAndrew EisenWhat did you think of it?
7:16 PMjordan thompsonI just popped in mission impossible 3 but paused it to watch this, I wonder if my nostgic view of it will hold up since its been 10 years
7:16 PMeathdemonbetter than I thought it would be
7:17 PMeathdemonI like the fact that the cast is a stand in for thedebate/fight between the father and the kid’
7:17 PMotritzuThe ‘reticle’ is slightly above the middle of the split
7:18 PMAndrew EisenI felt the moral of the LEGO movie was BS.
7:18 PMjordan thompsondid you hear that theres a version of the NES legend of zelda on the switch that starts you will almost all the weapons and items.
7:18 PMAndrew EisenLove the movie though.
7:18 PMeathdemonoot is one of my favs of all time, and its one of the most important games to play. so much of modern games comes from that
7:19 PMotritzuTwilight Princess?
7:19 PMaddictedtochaosThe struggle is real
7:19 PMeathdemonandrew neir?!……….
7:20 PMAndrew EisenThat’s one of them, yes.
7:20 PMeathdemonsorry will keep pushing it til you do
7:20 PMAndrew EisenNo worries, I really want to play it.
7:21 PMjordan thompsonI’m currently playing though n64 banjo and its been a couple of decades since I played and it hold up well in my eyes
7:21 PMeathdemonkeyboard jut put the wiimote on its side
7:21 PMaddictedtochaosI only picked up Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Horizon Zero Dawn
7:21 PMaddictedtochaosKeyboard would be worse.
7:22 PMjordan thompsonyou should get a look at the gamecube keyboard its ridiculous
7:22 PMaddictedtochaosOh also got Starlink Battle for Atlas
7:24 PMeathdemonboi
7:24 PMotritzuAtraeus
7:24 PMaddictedtochaosAtreus I think
7:25 PMaddictedtochaosThey did that. Look it up one YouTube
7:26 PMaddictedtochaosChristopher judge
7:27 PMaddictedtochaosI just picked up Wolfenstein 2 at GameStop about a week ago for $15.
7:27 PMjordan thompsonthe new overlord movie could just be named wolfistien and you wouldnt need to change much
7:27 PMeathdemonneir is my game of gen
7:28 PMotritzuI’m getting Nintendo stuff for myself this Christmas.
7:28 PMjordan thompsonit was originally going to be connected to cloverfield
7:29 PMjordan thompsonhas anybody busted their tv’s with the new pokeball attachment yet
7:29 PMeathdemon3 million is prity good, still think gen 8 will do a better launch next year
7:30 PMeathdemonwell ezk he is pokemon’s mascot
7:31 PMeathdemontbf evve is treated a iv perfect so….. shouldnt be to bad
7:32 PMjordan thompsonthese days id be called Pokemon selfie
7:32 PMaddictedtochaosWhen doesn’t Activision do something dumb?
7:32 PMeathdemon……. I am prity sure activision is breacking us law by not including subtitles
7:33 PMaddictedtochaosOnly having one game on the disc is why I canceled my preorder for Spyro and Mega Man. Crash had all the games on the Switch version.
7:35 PMeathdemonthey are literally breacking us law just to do what save 2 days of work, maybe even that
7:35 PMaddictedtochaosWhat they did say was very Activision
7:36 PMjordan thompsonso at this point spyro/crash bandicoot are used in skylanders they have their own hd rereleases so why would a sequel to either of these franchises be out of the question as many people believe
7:41 PMeathdemonto claerafy what you said standerdize size on consoles. I dont need huge subtitles on pc, and thats from someone with lets just say not perfect vision
7:43 PMjordan thompsonto clearify on my last comment their are all kinds of gamers and if your deaf or hoh you cant enjoy these games cause of these problems
7:43 PMeathdemonnot gunna happen andrew, most cutscenes are now in engine
7:46 PMeathdemonits cgi, instead of hand drawn……. who cares
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