When Sega Announced the Genesis Mini, it promised 40 games on the system when it launched in September. Today, Sega tweeted the final titles of the system and revealed that the system is actually getting 42 titles, with Tetris and Darius making up the two surprise titles.
To jump right in, this is how these final games compare to our predictions. Games on both Andrew’s and my lists:
- Columns
- Kid Chameleon
- Strider
- Virtua Fighter 2
Games exclusive to Andrew’s list:
- Alisia Dragoon
Unfortunately, no games were exclusive to my list of predictions. The final games revealed are:
- Tetris
- Darius
- Road Rash 2 (I picked the first Road Rash)
- Dynamite Headdy
- Monster World IV
- Light Crusader
- Eternal Champions
The final scores for Andrew’s and my predictions are: Andrew 13 correct, me 13 correct, a tie! Of titles unique to our lists: Andrew 3 unique and correct, me 3 unique and correct, another tie!
The final list of games are a solid selection and well worth the price of admission. Especially if the hardware is solid. I look forward to picking one of these up when it lands in stores September 19, 2019.
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Tagged: Genesis Mini, Sega